Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reflectionz over calm waterz

    July, 31 - 2012

 On this day, reflection on my way of life - 
Trife is the world that I live in but I'm at peace with my wife  
Behind closed doors, Praise the lord 4 my sword - Sharpen with accord 
 Poetry addendum 2 my blog 
Chords getting cut like umbilical's after birth -
My worth, coinciding with the day and month & the Earth 
Caught up with 2 peoplez I haven't seen in many yearz 
Goes 2 show I'm on the right path, I ain't shedding tears 4 none of ya'll worth-less time of mine, hold behind, corrupt my mind, have a dime - Keep your 15 cents & tell a wall what's on your mind 
 "Don't say good-bye, I don't plan 2 die" -
but I don't need 2 C ya neither
Ether burning thru yor lie : 

   Mr.E-Nigma  aka Claudius Maximus

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Black people, Hip Hop & A view from a Perch!

Editor's Note: This is a reprint of a blog I printed March 20th, 2012. Below, I reprinted the comments I received as well.

       Many Black folks loved (Bill) Clinton & deemed him the white ‘black horn playing man in a white man’s body’ while he implemented laws such as the Omnibus Crime Control Act that authorized mandatory minimum sentences which helped to skyrocket the prison population, (continuing the) disproportionately Black or Brown AND particularly men. This in tow, trying juveniles as adults & coupled with the 3 strikes bill, the preposterous “Stop & Frisk” that (especially) New Yorkers are SO familiar with {shout out 2 The Village Voice!} – ADD the 100 to 1 sentencing for crack cocaine commissioned by the “Great” Reaganomics that WE enjoyed ‘since’ the 80′s – Many, if not most of us in the “minority” community of America have been in a state of emergency for quite some time.
     Ok, ok, ok. Perhaps not for my scholarly friends who’ve enjoyed the bastion of education and white collar jobs that this great land has to offer. If we’d simply ‘applied ourselves’ and gone to school, get an education (meaning memorize and program our young minds to regurgitate with knowledgeable pride that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America and that Lincoln “freed” the slaves and that due to the holocaust of the Civil Rights Movement some 40 years ago that racism no longer exists and that with this enriched brain I can) follow orders well enough to be allowed a decent wage, so that I can abandon my old family in the savagely misguided black hole, now labeled the “Ghetto” and adopt my new family in the suburbs of the civilized white folks who’ve shown me the light. Oh, no! My mistake. Adopt my new family that acts like the white folks that had shown them the light and have now transferred that same likeness to my privileged dumbass.
      Let’s see. Wait a second. Am I losing it? Why am I referring to myself this way? I’m educated. Im accustomed to the finer things in life. I no longer am a part of that way of life that was frowned upon by those who taught my predecessors who in turn showed me how to spend my money on caviar, escargot, $8,000 spa treatments, wall sized closets made for high heels and boots, with five cars in my driveway. Yea, that’s right! My driveway! I don’t with that wiggling of needles on turntables anymore. I have ipad shuffles with my $300 headphones on. They called it gibberish on the microphone and now it is. They were right! Since I left, the kids in the “hood” don’t listen to anything meaningful like in the music I “used” to listen to because my parents learned from they’re adoptive parents that my music was trash! And always told me so. But I finally listened. That’s right! I listened!
I don’t mind that the “unemployment rate among blacks” in particular is “16% compared to 10.8% nationally and among Black men….22%” because all they wanna do is sell drugs and prostitute themselves. They already wear their pants like they’re in jail, so… why should I care that right wing politicians blocked programs championed by the Urban League to help end the drastic unemployment of 2011? So what if President Obama was backing these initiatives to stop the decline of jobs and increase of unemployment. My concern is with Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Quada & 9/11. And don’t you dare speak to me of other worldly issues because the war is over! Our troops are finally home! Bin Laden is dead!
So what if all of this started US and Britian funding Muslim extremists through the CIA and sold arms to Tehran and Baghdad and helped Saddam (whom we set up) and executed. So what if it was after we gave him the green light to demolish Kuwait. So what if the war on terror has ultimately “cost $225,000 lives and up to $4 trillion in U.S. spending” and will ultimately lead to a massive apocalyptic was for dominance with China, Russia and whoever else! But that’s only a small probability. Anyway, since the assassination of Gadhafi we can send Halliburton over to the sub-prime mortgage scandals of 2006. I lost a lot of money that I still never got back nor am I still trying to. The bank isn’t going to give me another loan after that and my interest payments are way to high due to that debacle. But it’s alright, because regardless of how this may seem “the trillion dollar buying power” of Blacks is still a force to be reckoned with. Even though my last home was foreclosed on and I never bothered to attempt to buy the land the property was on, and as a unison we spend too much in cash on frivolous trinkets and credit card debts, college loans and super high mortgages because I never educated my educated ass on the property buying and ownership game….
Since the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 Amendment to Federal Sentencing Guidelines has reduced the disparate ratio of 100 to 1 down to 18 to 1 for crack cocaine, quote unquote “the black drug” closer to the 1 to 1 for cocaine powder, quote unquote “the white drug”. So that while these bottom feeding people that I used to be with spinning on their heads, come back home from prison a bit sooner, I can leave them be due to my high blood pressure, added on to the high stress, salt, pork, beef and cloned salmon I eat shooting me straight to my royally crafted grave.
Alright, obviously that was one point of view wrapped up in a blanket of truth with a handful of sarcasm sprinkled all over. (as some of u know, I LOVE 2 get the blood flowing) But seriously, Stop and Frisk?
NYPD revealed to the NYC Council that “684,330 encounters took place” which is “14% higher than 2010” numbers and since 2002 a “600%” increase. Close to 90% of US stopped are Black and Latino, “with 12% of stops actually ending in arrests.”
Then we have Amallo Diallo, Sean Bell, and now Tayvonne Martin? I was going to write SOOOO much more but, for 2 reasons I end here (for now)
1: Too many parts on this topic are spiraling me out of any sort of structure.
2: This was getting waaay too long and more research keeps popping up, but this will be continued later (as it usually does), but I did want to mention that, for all the simple minded people, especially Caucasians that think that “oh, Obama is President” so Black people no longer have problems in this country, or the ignorant shit that comes out of some of your mouths and you double it by saying “and before you think OMG what a racist, my best bestie friend is black” ACTUALLY find out what’s going on instead of just receiving information from the tell a dummy and being so truly blind to REALITY that happens EVERYDAY even while your stupid ass is woriied about who Jennifer Lopez is fucking at the moment. Till next time. PEACE!

I like the valuable info you supply to your articles. I will bookmark your blog and check again right here regularly. I’m slightly certain I’ll be told plenty of new stuff proper here! Best of luck for the next!

Race matters 2 AmeriKKKa pt. 2

Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an earlier blog on a different venue. Below I have re-posted the comments left on that blog. 

*R.I.P. to Trayvon Martin, Ramarley Graham, DJ Henry, Sean Bell, Aiyana Jones, Tarika Wilson, Partick Dortsmond, Julian Alexander, Amadou Diallo, Tyisha Miller, Ousmane Zongo, Oscar Grant, Troy Davis, Countless Rastafarian Elders, Fred Hampton & countless Black Panthers, Emmit Till, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Peter Tosh, Robert Nesta Marley, The 4 Princess at the 16th St Baptist Church bombing-Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Denise McNair, Latasha Harlins, and the Men, Women, & Children who were bombed in Philly as the Move 9 Organization was JUST trying 2 uplift their people. HOW MANY MORE have been gunned down and brutally murdered by this country we live in, BEFORE WE Black folks can call it RACIST, and speak out from OUR viewpoint in this MASSACRE WE call a HISTORY?
Why is it that when a BLACK MAN speaks on and about the injustices delivered upon and to him by this 1% running things (i.e, white men) it’s ‘wrong’ for US to call HIM out? As if it’s a Pakistani, or Hindu, or Latino or ANYONE else doing this?
YES! I Overstand that in order 4 UNITY 2 bear fruit that WE ALL must come 2GETHER, but JUST as Huey P. Newton KNEW (and was killed for) I KNOW that WE as a so-called “race” of BLACK PEOPLE CANNOT RISE UP by “masking” the REALITIES of our injustices as though (THE MAN) i.e, WHITE MAN is not the root of this.
NOW! This ain’t 2 discourage U (my Caucasian friends that are STILL with me here). This is NOT 2 say that I think ALL-AH ya’ll R down with this miscreant or value his twisted beliefs. But, forgive WE for shedding light on the TRUTH, or I guess, forgive or BE EXTREMELY UPSET with HIM for MAKING this the REALITY! BUT NEVER EVER tell ME or US that WE are being racist by CALLING OUT THE DEVIL THAT PLAGUED US WITH 600 YEARS OF VIOLENCE AND MISERY AND DEATH!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Race matters 2 AmeriKKKa

Editors Note: I first published this piece on April 30, 2010 on one of the first blogs I ever used.  Below I reprinted the further dialogue it inspired. This I would say serves as a good introduction 2 a grander conversation that I feel is essential before embarking onto certain stages of conversing, dealing with this topic. This also serves 2 introduce a slightly different style 2 writing than many of U may B used 2.

Ok. This is a very funny subject. Funny meaning: hilarious, strange, confusing and "suspect". The test that I've had for sum time now is the "trick question" that I sometimes ask before revealing the butt of the riddle
"What is your race?"
Wait for the answer. 
 "What is your Nationality?"
I usually get the usual assbackwards answer from people who somewhat realize their fault when answering the 2nd question. (and if you're one of those people reading this right now, don't worry for the feeling because all will be revealed.)
Now, I always thought that politicians and others (circa the decade of 1980) talked so much about how "proud to be a part of the Human Race!" Atleast thats the way I remember it, specifically in the voice of Ronald Reagan at that. And perhaps the meaning in the dictionary was a falsity that I recalled from years back  
Main Entry: 3race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
Date: 1580
1 : a breeding stock of animals
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
That is now the 3rd definition in the dictionary which I beleived to be the 1st, but hey, Im no printing press. So this definition has been pushed aside for more realistic definitions I guess. (See the hilarity yet? No? Let's go further.)
2 a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
Now, even this definition doesn't warrant the nonsensical term of the word, because by my interests, habits, and/or characteristics this speaks loudly to me by the company I keep, which again is nothing close to the nonsensical term now used for this word. The 1st part of this definition does speak of my immediate family which I won't deny, but I will get back to that point a little later.

Now this last bit just flys off the rictor for my feeble intellience because it goes from sick to very sick interpretation of what I beleive this to be telling me; to just plain ignorance to the meanings here. Simply put, I had no idea race meant flavor or taste.
3 a : an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species; also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group b : breed c : a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits
4 obsolete : inherited temperament or disposition
5 : distinctive flavor, taste, or strength
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
(Is it just me or does interbreeding mean incest? Anyone? ... Anyone?!)

Now, the 1st 2 definitions from Merriam-Webster's online Dictionary have to do with running water and actual marathons and the like. So where did Wikipedia get the wonderful colorful world of historical documentation that race has to do with, and I quote
 "The physical features commonly seen as indicating race are salient visual traits such as skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture.[1][2] The term race may vary from country to country, changing according to specific cultures. For example, in the United States the term race is used in the description of individuals (e.g. white, black, etc.)."

Now, I do wish to thank them for acknowledging the nonsensical idiotic view that is predominantly an American past time. Specifically, the white and black thing that was casually thrown in there. I could only consider that since Our colorful history shows so much disdain and death and dislike and disturbing disruption among Human Beings regarding the color of ones skin, that race took on a new and improved meaning to fit the disgusting behaviors of individuals and/or groups in power since those times till now so that the feelings of disgrace don't cause a mass suicide for the endless blood on those hands and consciousness'. .......

Just in case I've lost some of you, let me clarify.

In case you weren't aware America had the most brutal and most elongated period of slavery and torture and death ever to face mankind. Through out these devastating centuries came the period of enslavement where the Negro.....
          (from the Spanish and Portuguese which means "black", derivative of the word Niger which is a Latin word used to describe a certain area of Africa).
......or the "blacks" specifically "black man" would be hanged or tortured for associating with "whites" because they were slave (servant) and master (oppressor). There couldn't possibly be a mixing of the two. However, for the "white" MAN to impregnate a "black" WOMAN was fine but not vice versa because women weren't regarded as too much more than the "blacks" because they were the loyal wives who did their "husband's" bidding.  (upon closer examination of earlier American History, Caucasian women would also use this term to mean Master as well according to older texts) 

Now, I dont want to go into a his-tory lesson. But let me reveal the seriousness of the truth behind these repetitiously and calculating words, because Caucasions do not resemble the paint that most houses are painted, nor are my people (immediate family) the color of the computer keyboard I'm now typing this on.
Main Entry: 1white
Pronunciation: \ˈhwīt, ˈwīt\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): whit·erwhit·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwīt; akin to Old High German hwīz white and probably to Old Church Slavic světŭ light, Sanskrit śveta white, bright
Date: before 12th century
1 a : free from color b : of the color of new snow or milk; specifically : of the color white c : light or pallid in color <white hair> <lips white with fear> d lustrous pale gray : silveryalso : made of silver
2 a : being a member of a group or race characterized by light pigmentation of the skin b : of, relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of white people or their culture c [from the former stereotypical association of good character with northern European descent] : marked by upright fairness <that's mighty white of you>
3 : free from spot or blemish: as a (1) : free from moral impurity : innocent (2) : marked by the wearing of white by the woman as a symbol of purity <a white wedding> b : unmarked by writing or printing c : not intended to cause harm <a white lie> <white magic> d :favorablefortunate <one of the white days of his life — Sir Walter Scott>
4 a : wearing or habited in white b : marked by the presence of snow : snowy <a white Christmas>
5 a : heated to the point of whiteness b : notably ardent : passionate <white fury>
6 a : conservative or reactionary in political outlook and action b : instigated or carried out by reactionary forces as a counterrevolutionary measure <a white terror>
7 : of, relating to, or constituting a musical tone quality characterized by a controlled pure sound, a lack of warmth and color, and a lack of resonance
8 : consisting of a wide range of frequencies —used of light, sound, and electromagnetic radiation
— whit·ish \ˈhwī-tish, ˈwī-\ adjective
I've taken the liberty of highlighting the true relevant meanings of this word as it was known to be. Now for the opposite, because remember....... the opposite is only "three fifths of a man".
Main Entry: 1black
Pronunciation: \ˈblak\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English blak, from Old English blæc; akin to Old High German blah black, and probably to Latin flagrare to burn, Greek phlegein
Date: before 12th century
1 a : of the color black (1) : very dark in color <his face was black with rage> (2) : having a very deep or low register <a bass with a black voice> (3) : heavyserious <the play was a black intrigue>
2 a : having dark skin, hair, and eyes : swarthy <the black Irish> (1) often capitalized : of or relating to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin <black Americans> (2) : of or relating to the African-American people or their culture <black literature> <a black college> <black pride> <black studies> (3) : typical or representative of the most readily perceived characteristics of black culture <trying to sound black> <tried to play blacker jazz>
3 : dressed in black
4 :dirtysoiled <hands black with grime>
5 a : characterized by the absence of light <a black night> b : reflecting or transmitting little or no light <black water> c : served without milk or cream <black coffee>
6 a : thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked <a black deed> b : indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black mark for being late>
7 : connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil <black magic>
8 a : very sad, gloomy, or calamitous <black despair> b : marked by the occurrence of disaster <
black Friday>
9 : characterized by hostility or angry discontent : 
sullen <black resentment filled his heart>
10 chiefly British : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the trade union
11 a of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale b : characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda <black radio>
12 : characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire <black humor
13 : of or relating to covert intelligence operations <black government programs>
— black·ish \ˈbla-kish\ adjective

Again I've taken the liberty to highlight certain parts that are the main points. See how one is "lustrous", "fair" and "pure" and the other is "sinister", "evil", "propaganda", "grotesque", "distorted", and even says "connected with the devil".
(Has the point truly sunk in yet? See what power these words have upon the people of this day? ..... If not, think for a moment. Place into perspective of that time, then move along with me.)

After this time frame came so-called "freedom" etc, etc. Upon which, the "blacks" were now to be known as "Negro's" who then rebuked that title due to the "racism" (there's that word again...hmmm) they were under and belittled by and didn't wish to associate with it, and became African-American's. This being to declare the proudness of Our lineage from Africa where civilization began. (More on this later.)

So here I begin my playing field which Our elders have granted the likes of me.

To now return to those I addressed in my 2nd paragraph and to combine it with the little tid bit of AmeriKKKa's His-tory where the words of Our National Language plays a huge role as well (which will be elongated in another blog), we see the presumed reason behind the changed meaning of the word RACE
Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
 *Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary

This newfound beleif in 1933, 353 years after the original meaning, in a time and a place of barbaric forced superiority and enslavement we have the seeds of confusion of the hilarity of this confusion expressed nationwide today. Let us look at a few events that happened in the world during 1933 (a more adequate and full view of the timeline can be viewed on the go to favorite Wikipedia)
  1. January 30 - Nazi leader Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by the President Paul von Hindenburg.
  2. February 1 - Adolf Hitler gives his "Proclamation to the German People" in Berlin.
  3. February 6 - The 2oth Amendment of the United States Constitution goes into effect.
  4. February 15 - Attempted assassination of President-elct Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  5. March 4 - Frances Perkins becomes United States Secretary of Labor, and the first female member of the United States Cabinet.
  6. March 20 - Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp, is completed (it opens March 22).
  7. May 3 - Nellie Taylor Ross becomes the first woman to be named director of the United States Mint.
  8. May 8 -  Mohandas Gandhi begins a 3-week hunger strike because of the mistreatment of the lower castes.
  9. June 21 - All non-Nazi parties are forbidden in Germany.
  10. July 20 - Vatican state secretary Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) signs an accord with Hitler.
  11. also (though undated) the Federal Government ends Prohibition and outlaws canabis.
I stated these events because Hitler had something deeply in common with the majority of voices in AmeriKKKa which was that other Human Beings who didn't have the same "Nationality" as himself,

Main Entry: na·tion·al·i·ty
Date: 1691
5 a : a people having a common origin, tradition, and language and capable of forming or actually constituting a nation-state b : an ethnic group constituting one element of a larger unit (as a nation)

 were not considered to be part of their "race". In other words, were not even considered to be HUMAN! And, the reason for Roosevelt being involved in my assorted timeline is that under this great President, 2 females entered into Government positions for the 1st time in His-tory. And if one notices the difference of oppression in India, Ghandi was not killed or burned and the people for whom he stood up for were not massacred. Yes, they were oppressed but not massacred. They were still considered a part of Our race which is (follow me yet?..) HUMAN!
And for all you religious fanatics, one of your glorious Pope's was in league with Hitler. (but thats for another blog and space)
Although the word prejudice already existed, this time frame gave birth to a full nation onslught of it.
Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Pronunciation: \ˈpre-jə-dəs\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from prae- + judicium judgment — more at judicial
Date: 13th century
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary

So the falsities that were spread verbally about both "blacks" and jews were beleived to be true by later generations who succumed to the brainwashing of their elders. Thus spawning a superiority complex that needed to define how beings of their own "race" were not the same. In turn amalgamating the specification between "black" and "white", thus producing the meaning of "race" to be one's skin color and not the difference between a human and a dog, although perhaps in their eyes that was exactly the point!

Ok, ok, ok. Perhaps (for some) I'm going to far with this. Perhaps, it is only the difference of stating in those little boxes and circles what my descendancy is, as one conversation I had before my thesis was published here. So, let's say that my "race" is African-American because I am  "a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits". You know, big nose, big lips, dark skin (which is actually reddish-brown which is known as Adamah in sum other language...but that's for later) and  so-called "kinky" hair.

Well, 1st off.... my parents are Haitian and the joining of my father's sperm and my mother's egg is why I look like THEM, and not neccessarily like other people that share my HUE (part of man which I also am.....hmmmm). So wouldn't I be Haitian-American before being African-American? I mean, in all honesty the actress Charlize Theron knows much more about Africa than I do because she was born there! I have no knowledge of their customs, culture, livlihood etc. I've never in my lifetime even been there, let alone find myself stupid enough to claim anything of their ways and life (culture). I'd look like Jessica Simpson going over there.... wait! Ok, not that dumb, but you get the point.
 Personally, I find that to be disrespectful. And to say that, "oh well, that's where your lineage starts". Ok, fine. SO DOES IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET! So, are we ALL African-Americans in this Nation called The United States of America?
 Furthermore, Im simply an AMERICAN! Because I was born here, raised here, and have more knowledge and ways in accordance with these customs, these rituals, this way of life, more so than anything else. I haven't even been to Haiti more than once and I was 3 years of age at the time. And for all of you who are one quarter Cherokee, two thirds German, five eighths Guatemalan, nine sixths French and full blooded American due to being born here, never being anywhere in that long pronounced self clarifying representation of yourselves, and receiving not even a spec of any of those cultural aspects from either of your parents, family or anything but music videos, and being fully ingrowned in the American way of life..... dye your skin green so we can better understand what all of that nonsense means. Think about it, you won't even need to go into a long diabolical scheme of telling us who you are.

The point is people. I came from my Mother and Father. They were born in Haiti which really is Ayiti. ALL HUMAN (HueMan) Beings are from AFRICA! Therefore making my RACE HUMAN! My Nationality is AMERICAN! To delve any further is to say that yes I am part Haitian due to culture and language and other things passed unto me by my family, namely my parents.
Nothing more to it.
P.S. For all the hipocrytes reading this and nodding your heads "yes" and agreeing with me, THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS! Fill in the little bubble with "Other" and write HUMAN. Or continue the legacy of racism and oppression as being commenced right now with the idiotic question posed to the majority of Latino's and Hispanic's "white hispanic or black hispanic?"
For those of you that don't know the true meaning behind this? Read this blog 800 times then do as one Cuban I spoke with at some temp job I worked. "Im not white, black....Im Cubano!"  Nuff Respect!!!!!

Peace, Love, Unity & Respect

These were a comment and response from that blog.

So, you disagree with Peter Tosh?( “No matter where you come from,as long as you’re a black man, you’re an African”)
  • Not at all. We ALL are Africans, but to further go the topic of “what is my Nationality?” I am American. Then I am Haitian- American. Then I am African-American. Then I am African. Or the other way around. But, until EVERYONE defines themselves as AFRICAN, that would have to be my description.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Who Protects U.S. from YOU?

The definition of Police according to Merriam-Webster’s online Dictionary is as follows:
1po•lice verb \pə-ˈlēs\
transitive verb
1 archaic : GOVERN
2: to control, regulate, or keep in order by use of police
3: to make clean and put in order
4a : to supervise the operation, execution, or administration of to prevent or detect and prosecute violations of rules and regulations b : to exercise such supervision over the policies and activities of
5: to perform the functions of a police force in or over

And for those just coming into the country and learning the English language, a slightly different meaning exists. It reads:

2police verb
polic•es; policed; polic•ing
[+ obj] 1 : to control and keep order in (an area) by the use of police or military forces
▪ The officers police the streets for reckless drivers. ▪ The coast is policed by the military.
2 : to control (something) by making sure that rules and regulations are being followed
▪ The international agency polices the development of atomic energy facilities.
— policing /pəˈli:sɪŋ/ noun [noncount]
▪ Community policing has helped cut down on crime in the neighborhood. ▪ The industry is operating without adequate policing.

    According to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, “ in a split second, a police officer’s life can be placed in great jeopardy.” (Frank Rosario, 2012)

    Considering, this must be a trying task to keep everyone (citizens) safe from harm, danger and if you’re privy to old 1950’s American television, even getting one’s cat out of a tree.

    But, I’m actually going to ask YOU (reader) to journey back with me even deeper into the root problem and begin this thesis from the 1700’s.
I know. MOST of you will say, “we’re not living in the days of slavery anymore” and blah blah blah. Just bear with me while I give you a new pair of lenses and we can determine my so-called lunacy together after you “humor” me.

Writers Note: (Those of you familiar with my writing style since my 1st blog will attest, this will be filled with definitions, quotes, my own sarcasm and bottom line unrelenting factual unapologetic truth. You’ve been warned.)

    Slavery in America was for the sake of labor. For the liberation of The Republic, which was the original thirteen colonies that formed North America, from the British Empire, The Declaration of Independence was drafted and The United States of America was formed. All the while, every name signed to this document held (so-called) Black slaves a plenty for their fields and their homes.

Note: (I say so-called because I do not uphold the term “Black” for myself or my people due to its origin meaning OBJECT denouncing any kind of human value that I or my like colored people may hold. It is also a term to aid the mind control associated with it from the slew of negative terms found in the English & American English language as shown in every dictionary in existence. Also refer to my 1st blog for a listing of the dictionary meanings)

    During this time moreover, there was a lot of cloak & dagger’s and smoke & mirror’s as far as the position from either side (North or South) that upheld or were against slavery due to higher numbers for “their” war. Hence, I say THEIR war because WE (Nubian people, so-called Blacks) were not regarded as human beings still to this date. So, in all actuality, this had NOTHING to do with US. Yes, we were used to tip the scales of balance in numbers and power in the fight and bloodshed and misery this all caused, but were NOT included in the benefit of liberty that was the reason behind all of this.
Now, I must remind you (reader) of the importance of all this here. Imagine, if you would, the psychological mind state of all parties involved ay this time in HIStory.
   If your job was to herd, whip and sell people like animals then you must see them as such or risk your sanity. From the auction block, jokes and imagery of Africans as savage heathens and apes, swept through cotton fields and upward into the halls of power. Racial ideology, the belief that a physical difference between humans determines their place in society, rose from the material practice of slavery. In his 1781 book Notes on the State of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson equated blacks to animals, writing that they don’t feel love or pain. “Their griefs are transient,” he wrote “Those numberless afflictions…are less felt, and sooner forgotten with them.” (Powers, 2012)

     At this time, let me address the indentured servants that existed and were not Nubians or so-called Black. Yes! They did exist! And as much as I love this argument that I come across whenever some within the conversation begin to “feel some sorta way” let me expound upon this issue with fact.

“Europeans paid with their labor for the costs of transport to the colonies. They contracted for such arrangements because of poor economies in their home countries. Between 1680 and 1700, as fewer Europeans migrated to the colonies, planters began to import more Africans as slaves.” (Wikipedia, 2012)

Ok, ok, ok. I can feel some of you getting restless. So let’s fast forward to the present. It is now 2012 in the year of this typing. That’s 212 years after 1800. Two centuries. Let’s see how far we’ve grown? No, I won’t do that. You can look it up. But I will walk you through the present and the former.

March 3rd, 1991. Rodney Glen King is speeding down the Foothill Freeway (Interstate 210) in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. According to King, he didn’t pull over because he thought a DUI would violate his parole after being spotted by two police officers. When he is finally pulled over and out of the vehicle, he receives 56 baton blows (some to the head) and 6 kicks. He is then cord cuffed and hand cuffed and dragged on his stomach to the side of the road. King was then escorted to the hospital where it was revealed he suffered 11 skull fractures, permanent brain damage, broken bones and teeth, kidney damage [and] emotional and physical trauma. Nurses at Patricia Hospital also reported that the officers who were there openly joked about how many times he was beaten.
The same first five police officers to arrive at the scene after the chase, which repeatedly beat an unarmed (African-American) male and openly jokes about the incident at the hospital were Sergeant Stacey Koon, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, Theodore Briseno and Rolando Solano. They were all acquitted of any charges against them for this heinous act. And although the President of the day was George Bush Sr. and reportedly said he, his wife and his children were stunned by the verdict and the Mayor of L.A. at the time, Tom Bradley was quoted to say that "the jury's verdict will not blind us to what we saw on that videotape. The men who beat Rodney King do not deserve to wear the uniform of the L.A.P.D." Nothing changed this until after the riots of Los Angeles in 1992 when it was reported that casualties included 53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damages to 3,100 businesses, and nearly $1 billion in financial losses.
March 9, 1993 ONLY because of the riots (I and many others feel) were Sergeant Stacey Koon and Officer Laurence Powell (2 of the 4) indicted and sentenced to 32 months in prison.

March 16th, 1991. Latasha Harlins was a 15 year old (African-American) girl just trying to buy a bottle of juice in a Korean store in L.A. where Soon Ja Du, age 51, shot and killed her. Du testified on her own behalf, stating that it was self-defense and that her life was in danger following the crooked story her and her husband told the cops upon arrival, but her words were contradicted by the statements of the two witnesses present at the time and the security camera footage, which showed her shooting the little girl in the back of the head as Harlins was attempting to leave the store. Ballistics also found that the gun had been tampered with to make the trigger much lighter to pull and fire.

On November 15th, 1991 the jury found Du guilty of voluntary manslaughter with a “recommendation” of a 16 year prison sentence. The Judge, Joyce Karlin, reduced the sentence to 5 years’ probation, 400 hours of community service and a $400 fine. Some say that this was a precursor, along with the verdict for the Rodney King case that ignited the L.A. riots of ’92.

August 1991. Troy Anthony Davis was convicted of murder and sentenced to death for the shooting of Michael Cooper in Cloverdale, the pistol whipping of Larry Young and the fatal shooting of police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, Georgia. Even though The prosecution called three eyewitnesses to the shooting of Cooper:
 Cooper testified that he was intoxicated at the time he was shot, and that although Davis was one of the people Cooper had quarreled with, he "don't know me well enough to shoot me."
 Benjamin Gordon stated that the man who had shot Cooper had been wearing a white Batman T-shirt and blue shorts. On cross-examination Gordon admitted he had not seen the person who shot Cooper and stated that he did not know Davis.
 Daryl Collins had made a statement to police on August 19, 1989 that he had seen Davis shoot at the car in which Cooper was travelling. However, on cross-examination at trial, Collins denied having seen Davis carrying or shooting a gun on the night in question. Collins, who was 16 at the time he made the initial statement, claimed police officers had told him he would be imprisoned if he refused to co-operate with the investigation. (Wikipedea, 2012)

And although former President Jimmy Carter, Rev. Al Sharpton, Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former U.S. Congressman of Georgia Bob Barr, and former FBI Director and judge William S. Sessions called for the courts to grant Davis a new trial or an evidentiary hearing which was finally held in 2010, where the defense revealed 9 out of the 10 original testimonies against Davis were recanted and implicated Sylverster “Redd” Coles whom Davis had been saying for a decade plus, and the evidence that Coles confessed to the murder was excluded because the court hadn’t subpoenaed Coles.

Troy Anthony Davis was killed by lethal injection on September 21st, 2011. I’m hoping that the astonishing similarities of this case to that of Mumia Abu Jamal do not share the ending of this particular story.

February 4th, 1999. Amadou Diallo was killed on this date by a flurry of 41 shots by 4 plain clothes police officers, Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss in the Soundview section of Bronx, NY. The 24 year old was returning home as the plain clothes officers rode by in a Ford Taurus and said that the young man “fit the description” as MOST (African-American) men seem to do. Another {bullshit} moment is that the officer’s claim they called out who they were to the young man, but I ask you, evening or daylight, four plain clothes officers coming towards you (most likely jumping out of their vehicle) and shouting that they’re police, and you’re only 2 feet away from your door, what are you going to do?

Note: (To all of my readers who DO NOT bare the same complexion as I, you may not TRULY comprehend a few of the things in that last paragraph so I forgive you if you respond differently to my question. Although, in these days and times, such as i.e., Occupy, a lot more people are beginning to understand)

Anyway, back to the story I wish were fiction. On March 25th, 1999 the officers were indicted on second-degree murder and reckless endangerment. December 16th, 1999 an appellate court ordered a change of venue to Albany, NY (leaving the Bronx Grand Jury) stating that a fair trial in NYC was impossible because of pretrial publicity. On February 25th, 2000 all four officers were acquitted of all charges.

March 16th, 2000. Patrick Moses Dorismond was killed on this date by plain clothes police officer Anthony Vazquez. According to eye witness Kevin Kaiser, he and the deceased were approached outside of a club by Vazquez and another plain clothes officer. The officers asked if they knew where they could purchase some marijuana and when the 2 (African-American) men said they couldn’t help, a scuffle ensued and the former security guard and father of two received a gunshot to the chest that proved fatal. The Mayor of the day, Rudy Giulliani unsealed the former father’s juvenile records to prove, quote, “he was no altar boy”

Note: (What does a juvenile record have to do with a Security officer? Perhaps it isn’t common knowledge, but to be a Security Officer, you NEED a clean record and MUST be finger printed. And for a FATHER of two, what does a juvenile record mean?)

July 27th, 2000 the Grand Jury DID NOT indict but the city paid a large sum of money to the family on March 12, 2003. If they weren’t wrong then why pay the family anything?

November 6th, 2006. Sean Elijah Bell, along with 3 other men, was shot by a barrage of 50 bullets from five New York police officers. Three of the five officers went to trial on charges from manslaughter to reckless endangerment. Judge Arthur J. Cooperman made the ruling instead of a jury which was opted by the defendants. Officer Marc Cooper (who fired four rounds), Officer Gescard Isnora (who fired eleven), & veteran officer Michael Oliver (who emptied two magazines, which means he fired 31 shots by reloading at least once) were all acquitted of all charges against them for this hideous crime.
However, as of March 24th, 2012 Detective Isnora was fired and will not receive his pension, due to the late Bell’s fiancée & widow not giving up in the fight for justice. Isnora was the first officer to fire a shot which is the reason for his termination by Commissioner Raymond W. Kelley. Although it is this author’s opinion that he only did this at this time (6 years later?) because of his possible run for Mayor in the near future.
Detectives Paul Headley (who fired one round) has since left the department, and Michael Carey (who fired three) was exonerated in the administrative trial held by the department. The three officers who stood trial and Lt. Gary Napoli (who was there but never fired a shot) are “being forced to resign.” Still, Cooper, Napoli and Oliver (who reloaded) will be receiving their pensions. So, if you ask me, this is still unjust actions being upheld.

May 16th, 2010. Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley Jones, age 7 (only 2 months away from 8) was shot and killed with one shot to the head while she slept in her bed, by a Detroit SWAT team officer Joseph Weekley during a raid being filmed live on the cable network A & E television show The First 48. After a year of dodging and noncompliance, as well as a yearlong internal & federal investigation, a grand jury indicted Officer Weekley on October 4th, 2011 on charges of involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun. They also indicted Allison Howard, a producer for A&E who was also present during the raid, for perjury and obstruction of justice.

“Federal prosecutors say that Howard had provided false testimony to investigators about the shooting and that Weekley's actions were reckless and he had lied to the police in an effort to blame Jones's family for her death.” (Wikipedia, Death of Aiyana Jones, 2012)

November 19th, 2011. Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. is killed by White Plains police officers after responding to a call made by operators for Life Aid, the medical alert system the former Marine and Correction Officer used. The system was accidentally triggered while he slept, and when he did not respond on the two way when the operators contacted him, they alerted the police for assistance. At 5:25 a.m. the police banged on the door demanding Mr. Chamberlain to open the door. He had to plead with the officers to leave him alone and that he didn’t need any help because the officers (who were recorded on the LifeAid tape & video camera’s outside the apartment) were screaming “I don’t give a fuck nigger, open the door!” and other obscenities and taunting at the senior. Upon snapping the locks and unhinging the door, they ran in tasing the senior former Marine who (according to LifeAid) has a heart condition. At 7:09 a.m. he died during the surgery, they say, was an attempt to save his life.

Now, I know this may come out of ‘left field’ so to speak, but I find many Emmit Till case similarities in the Trayvon Martin case? (For those of you who DON’T know, Emmit Louis Till was a 14 year old boy in 1955 from Chicago visiting Mississippi. He flirted with a 21 year old Caucasian female by the name of Carolyn Bryant. Her husband and brother in law, kidnapped the boy, transported him to a barn, beat him, gouged out his eyes, and shot him the head, dumping his body into the river. When his mother received her son’s body she demanded an open casket at his public funeral to show what happened to her son. At the trial, which came due to demands of justice from the public, the two were acquitted, only to later confess in magazine interview. Because of “Caucasian Man’s Law”, the one in particular hear being used is the Double Jeopardy Law, because they already stood trial and were acquitted, it didn’t matter if they confessed to the crime now. This law states they cannot stand trial for the same crime twice.
     Also, the jurors acknowledged that they knew Bryant and Milam were guilty, but simply did not believe life imprisonment or the death penalty fit punishment for whites who had killed a black man. (Wikipedia, Emmit Till, 2012)

As of right now, while I type this, George Zimmerman is facing 2nd degree murder charges while his wife faces perjury charges. However, when I take into account that cops get acquitted all the time when it comes to Black LIFE! I mean, look at who ‘they’ sent to oversee the Chamberlain case. Westchester District Attorney Janet DiFiore who held an acquitting jury for Mount Kisco policeman George Bubaris, who was accused of driving Rene Perez 6 miles away from the place he was allegedly beat. The body was dumped on a deserted road where the victim was later found deceased due to internal injuries. The charge was only 2nd degree manslaughter but many of my similar looking human beings reading this have other thoughts entering our minds upon hearing this story, I’m sure.
And how many of our young little Nubian Sons are we just going to stand by and watch get killed by murderous Caucasians?

April 28th, 1973. Clifford Glover was 10 years old and walking down the street in South Jamaica Queens, with Add Armstead when a car pulls up and a Caucasian man steps out holding a gun. They run. It comes out later that the voice over the walkie talkie saying “Die, you little bastard” is that of a plain clothes officer by the name of Thomas Shea. And although, some may utilize this case as a vanguard to ‘changing policies’ within the police department because he and officer Scott (who lied for his partner during trial) were kicked off the force by then Deputy Commissioner Philip Michael siting that the officers were in no danger that warranted the fatal result. Still, the officer was acquitted.

    Fast forward to June 2nd, 2012 where we find John Henry Spooner who is the 75 year old Milwaukee citizen charged with shooting and murdering 13 year old Darius Simmons in broad daylight as he walked the trash across the street from his mother’s living room window.
After the arrival of the police who appeared at the request of an eyewitness, the police detained Mrs. Simmons in the back of a squad car for at least 2 hours (no exaggeration!), ransacked her home (as though looking for a reason that the false allegations of the little boy breaking and entering the man’s house and robbing him of items), arrested her older son on ‘truancy’ charges, all the while doing nothing for her son’s murder, never stepping foot into the murderer’s home!
Look. Point blank, I’m kind of tired of writing this at this point. I’m frustrated due to many things going on in my life right now, and as well as the seemingly non-action and non-committal energy by my peers, elders & extended family (meaning HUMANS period). I feel a lot of times like I’m alone in this fight and extreme yearning to find JUSTICE for MY people (which of course includes me!) So, I will leave these words from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
“There is no such thing as law and order. The law is disregarded, as though it were thrown in the jungles to be carried out by savage beasts. Murdering, killing, robbery, raping, and drug addiction are the only law and order that is respected.”
“She killed the aboriginal inhabitants (Indians) to establish herself as an independent people at the great loss of lives of the original owners. …..She has robbed many people; the blood of her slaves, the so-called Negroes, has stained the Earth here and elsewhere, slain by her hands. ……
“Anyone who opens his mouth for justice for the poor prey (so-called Negroes) is seized, prosecuted, and in many cases slain because he dared open his mouth for the oppressed against the oppressors.”
Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley & Kennedy “were known to have spoken and acted sympathetically towards the so-called Negroes, and they paid with their lives for doing so.”
“We need a place on this earth that we can call our own, and go to work and produce our own needs; and this will provide us with employment for our unemployed. Let no man deceive you…..”
Now, I’m SURE I will get some crap statements from some people about what I’ve written, but before your emotions start causing you to sound like an unreasonable simpleton that just thinks with the wrong parts of your body, let me ask you this. Don’t every other so-called race of people have their own within America that they can call their own, is run by their own and reside among their own in? Why is it an automatic thought for MOST of you that, the “ghetto” is for “black” people? We own nearly NOTHING in the ghettoes of America.
Think of the ghetto. ….. Who owns and runs the bodega on the corner? Who owns and runs the liquor stores on the block? Who owns the church with the black pastor taking all your money in the collection plate to fund his home? Who owns and runs the school in the community? For those in the hood, are the cops still white racists? Or do you have Black overseers now? Hmmmmm……….
“We have a BLACK President! How can you say that? We’ve come a long way. It’s not like that anymore! You’re ignorant for saying these hateful things!” and blab la bla. YES! WE DO have a Black President! And yes, he is the 1st President I’ve seen and heard disrespected so blatantly by racists via television, newspaper, internet and in person. He is the 1st President that has been criticized for saying HIS son could’ve been an unjustly slain victim of a terrible tragedy. Don’t kid yourself people. If Mr. President Obama was to say ‘I am going to create a space and opening for my fellow Black Americans get out of the destruction they’ve been put in and are still to this day trying to climb out of’ he’d be assassinated on the spot (God forbid!) So don’t kid yourselves.
If it’s sooooo different today and soooooo much better than why is it that the Fire Department is still going through it for shitting on minorities?! Why was nothing done about a dumb Caucasian teacher telling her young elementary student that he wasn’t reading something out loud in class “black enough”?! Why did it take sooooooo long to arrest Zimmerman for murder?! And for that matter, any justice for the cases I mentioned and the many many many others that I was too frustrated to even add to this tiny glimpse of atrocities I know of and the longer list of those I don’t know about?
Why is it that “black” videos are nothing but half-dressed females, thugs, flashy cars and jewelry and guns? (THIS ONE I WILL ANSWER FOR YOU!) Because they have built many private prisons (one near my former hood I grew up in) to ‘house’ you ‘dumb niggers’ when the tiny bit of legal employment we are “allowed” dries up. That’s why!
Why is it that WE (minorities) don’t unite and support one another? And I don’t mean to just go run out and support your local crack dealer (who unfortunately is most likely “black”) And when I say WE minorities, I mean YOU TOO Mr. intellectual, bourgeois, don’t want nothing to with the field niggers, sambo, stick up your ass, brother of mine, as well!

“You still suffer injustice with an armful of diplomas and degrees from colleges and universities.”

“We have come to the point where we must find justice for ourselves or commit suicide. What good is your life and my life if we have no protection? If I were a Black woman, and my men were such cowards that they would not try and defend me and the children I had produced, I would get a shotgun and kill myself.”

That being said, salute my true thugs! Cause the onez I KNOW will and do protect their own. Why is it so hard 2 imagine thugs and bookworms living peaceably among each other? Rapists have no place here! Child molesters either! Off with their heads! Drug dealer in the community? Fuck it! People are going to do drugs. But don’t sell to kids. (Anyway, just a little snippet of my home away from home merged with the T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. code) PBUH Tupac Amaru Makaveli Shakur
I will leave U this 2 ponder. Words from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad sometime before 1973. And to think, this is 2012.

“For 400 years, we have served you with our labor, sweat and blood, the lash of your whip, your killings, lynching and burning of our innocent Black flesh, without even a hearing in a court of justice, nor even our murderers being punished. Although we are marched before your enemies, and there we pour out our lives for the freedom of your lives, children and your country, we return home to meet an even worse enemy. We are hated and kicked out in certain places like an ‘unwanted dog’ who has caught the game but was not given a taste of it (only that which the hunter could not and should not eat himself). The dog, being too ignorant to recognize the injustice done to him by his master, will jump to his feet again at the call of his master to offer his life for his master’s life. This we have and are still doing for you.
“We are not wanted in your better neighborhoods. In many places we have to be guarded and protected by your armed forces in order to live in a house which one of your kind has sold to us. Yet, we are the most peaceful and humblest of the population. We are taxed equally and perhaps more than those of our own kind who are the real citizens and owners of this country, America, though our labor and the labor of our fathers made and built it for you.
“Think it over – millions of us working, fighting and dying at your hand and others for four hundred years without a home which we can call our own – not being allowed to worship our God, religion, nor have unity among self and our kind without being charged with the worst of crimes: subversiveness, sedition, treason and seeking to overthrow the government by force (though we have no arms to do such) just to have an excuse for your persecuting and seeking to kill the same poor four hundred year old slave.”

Below is a link to some VERY disturbing however, VERY necessary news for the public to be aware of. A suggestion for ALL- ah you: list, post, print and share this information with your community ESPECIALLY the so-called minorities in your area.
Peace, Love, Unity & Respect.