Wednesday, September 5, 2012


In the 50s & 60s people wore clothes that were deemed (not only back then, but also...) Today as respectable. 
{I will repost a pic of 2 children at the movies later.} WRITTEN IN THE ORIGINAL PRINTSep.4/2K12

There was such an emphasis on this way of clothing ourselves as human beings yet, now most women dress like whores waiting to be picked up off the "stroll". 

Was it the burning of bras that led 2 the disintegration of the female cha
racter as a deity or a person 2 B championed on a pedastol? Was it that (in America) the Caucasian woman was no longer alone on this hierarchy anymore? (or rather her position began dwindling by beginning to include other women)

Where has the sentiment of chaste, virtuous, respectable women gone? Is it due 2 carnivorous men needing 2 hump everything that moves?
(if u respond yes, consider "what" men u speak of and the time line of American society)

I saw a little girl this mourning (maybe 5 years of age) wearing a tiny skirt and a spaghetti strap "blouse"(?)
She was with a Negropean who had blonde hair and light brown contact eyes, wearing the same kind of top but with skimpy sweats on. (skimpy sweats = sweats U can C vivid panty lines or panties through)
We get on the train & we all sit. They sit across from me and I can C this little girls panties because the skirt is so damned small, & she is so short that her legs dangle off of the seat causing her thigh high skirt 2 expose her underwear.
I expressed my frustration & anger at this and the Negropean just looked at me dumbfounded.
My stop had arrived so I could not take the matter any further. But now, I ask U all. WTH is on your minds!!?!!
What kind of future does this young girl have ahead of her?!
And for all u die hard "women should wear what they wanna wear" people, should little girls walk around in bikini's also? Six inch stilletto's (used 2 B called hooker heels) poom poom shorts, face caked in make up?
Yes? No? Why? Explain please.

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