Editors Note: I first published this piece on April 30, 2010 on one of the first blogs I ever used. Below I reprinted the further dialogue it inspired. This I would say serves as a good introduction 2 a grander conversation that I feel is essential before embarking onto certain stages of conversing, dealing with this topic. This also serves 2 introduce a slightly different style 2 writing than many of U may B used 2.
Ok. This is a very funny subject. Funny meaning: hilarious, strange, confusing and "suspect". The test that I've had for sum time now is the "trick question" that I sometimes ask before revealing the butt of the riddle.
"What is your race?"
Wait for the answer.
"What is your Nationality?"
I usually get the usual assbackwards answer from people who somewhat realize their fault when answering the 2nd question. (and if you're one of those people reading this right now, don't worry for the feeling because all will be revealed.)
Now, I always thought that politicians and others (circa the decade of 1980) talked so much about how "proud to be a part of the Human Race!" Atleast thats the way I remember it, specifically in the voice of Ronald Reagan at that. And perhaps the meaning in the dictionary was a falsity that I recalled from years back
Main Entry: 3race
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, generation, from Old Italian razza
Date: 1580
1 : a breeding stock of animals
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
That is now the 3rd definition in the dictionary which I beleived to be the 1st, but hey, Im no printing press. So this definition has been pushed aside for more realistic definitions I guess. (See the hilarity yet? No? Let's go further.)
2 a : a
family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock
b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
Now, even this definition doesn't warrant the nonsensical term of the word, because by my interests, habits, and/or characteristics this speaks loudly to me by the company I keep, which again is nothing close to the nonsensical term now used for this word. The 1st part of this definition does speak of my immediate family which I won't deny, but I will get back to that point a little later.
Now this last bit just flys off the rictor for my feeble intellience because it goes from sick to very sick interpretation of what I beleive this to be telling me; to just plain ignorance to the meanings here. Simply put, I had no idea race meant flavor or taste.
3 a : an actually or potentially
interbreeding group within a species;
also : a taxonomic category (as a subspecies) representing such a group
b : breed c : a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits
4 obsolete : inherited temperament or disposition
5 : distinctive flavor, taste, or strength
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
(Is it just me or does interbreeding mean incest? Anyone? ... Anyone?!)
Now, the 1st 2 definitions from Merriam-Webster's online Dictionary have to do with running water and actual marathons and the like. So where did Wikipedia get the wonderful colorful world of historical documentation that race has to do with, and I quote
The physical features commonly seen as indicating race are salient visual traits such as skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture.[1][2] The term race may vary from country to country, changing according to specific cultures. For example, in the United States the term race is used in the description of individuals (e.g. white, black, etc.)."
Now, I do wish to thank them for acknowledging the nonsensical idiotic view that is predominantly an American past time. Specifically, the white and black thing that was casually thrown in there. I could only consider that since Our colorful history shows so much disdain and death and dislike and disturbing disruption among Human Beings regarding the color of ones skin, that race took on a new and improved meaning to fit the disgusting behaviors of individuals and/or groups in power since those times till now so that the feelings of disgrace don't cause a mass suicide for the endless blood on those hands and consciousness'. .......
Just in case I've lost some of you, let me clarify.
In case you weren't aware America had the most brutal and most elongated period of slavery and torture and death ever to face mankind. Through out these devastating centuries came the period of enslavement where the Negro.....
(from the Spanish and Portuguese which means "black", derivative of the word Niger which is a Latin word used to describe a certain area of Africa).
......or the "blacks" specifically "black man" would be hanged or tortured for associating with "whites" because they were slave (servant) and master (oppressor). There couldn't possibly be a mixing of the two. However, for the "white" MAN to impregnate a "black" WOMAN was fine but not vice versa because women weren't regarded as too much more than the "blacks" because they were the loyal wives who did their "husband's" bidding. (upon closer examination of earlier American History, Caucasian women would also use this term to mean Master as well according to older texts)
Now, I dont want to go into a his-tory lesson. But let me reveal the seriousness of the truth behind these repetitiously and calculating words, because Caucasions do not resemble the paint that most houses are painted, nor are my people (immediate family) the color of the computer keyboard I'm now typing this on.
Main Entry: 1white
Pronunciation: \ˈhwīt, ˈwīt\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): whit·er; whit·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwīt; akin to Old High German hwīz white and probably to Old Church Slavic světŭ light, Sanskrit śveta white, bright
Date: before 12th century
1 a : free from color
b : of the color of new snow or milk;
specifically : of the color white
c : light or pallid in color <white hair> <lips white with fear>
d : lustrous pale gray
: silvery;
also : made of silver
2 a : being a member of a group or
race characterized by light pigmentation of the skin
b : of, relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of white people or their culture
c [from the former stereotypical association of good character with northern European descent] : marked by upright fairness <that's mighty white of you>
3 : free from spot or blemish: as a (1) : free from moral impurity : innocent (2) : marked by the wearing of white by the woman as a symbol of purity <a white wedding> b : unmarked by writing or printing c : not intended to cause harm <a white lie> <white magic> d :favorable, fortunate <one of the white days of his life — Sir Walter Scott>
4 a : wearing or habited in white
b : marked by the presence of snow
: snowy <a white Christmas>
5 a : heated to the point of whiteness
b : notably ardent
: passionate <white fury>
6 a : conservative or reactionary in political outlook and action
b : instigated or carried out by reactionary forces as a counterrevolutionary measure <a white terror>
7 : of, relating to, or constituting a musical tone quality characterized by a controlled pure sound, a lack of warmth and color, and a lack of resonance
8 : consisting of a wide range of frequencies —used of light, sound, and electromagnetic radiation
— whit·ish \ˈhwī-tish, ˈwī-\ adjective
I've taken the liberty of highlighting the true relevant meanings of this word as it was known to be. Now for the opposite, because remember....... the opposite is only "three fifths of a man".
Main Entry: 1black
Pronunciation: \ˈblak\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English blak, from Old English blæc; akin to Old High German blah black, and probably to Latin flagrare to burn, Greek phlegein
Date: before 12th century
1 a : of the color black
b (1) : very dark in color <his face was black with rage>
(2) : having a very deep or low register <a bass with a black voice>
(3) : heavy,
serious <the play was a black intrigue>
2 a : having dark skin, hair, and eyes
: swarthy <the black Irish>
b (1) often capitalized : of or relating to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin <black Americans>
(2) : of or relating to the African-American people or their culture <black literature> <a black
> <black pride> <black studies>
(3) : typical or representative of the most readily perceived characteristics of black culture <trying to sound black> <tried to play black
er jazz>
3 : dressed in black
4 :dirty, soiled <hands black with grime>
5 a : characterized by the absence of light <a black night>
b : reflecting or transmitting little or no light <black water>
c : served without milk or cream <black coffee>
6 a : thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked <a black deed> b : indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black mark for being late>
7 : connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil <black magic>
8 a : very sad, gloomy, or calamitous <black despair> b : marked by the occurrence of disaster <black Friday
9 : characterized by hostility or angry discontent : sullen <black resentment filled his heart>
10 chiefly British : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the
trade union
11 a of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale b : characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda <black radio>
12 : characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire <black humor>
13 : of or relating to covert intelligence operations <black
government programs
— black·ish \ˈbla-kish\ adjective
Again I've taken the liberty to highlight certain parts that are the main points. See how one is "lustrous", "fair" and "pure" and the other is "sinister", "evil", "propaganda", "grotesque", "distorted", and even says "connected with the devil".
(Has the point truly sunk in yet? See what power these words have upon the people of this day? ..... If not, think for a moment. Place into perspective of that time, then move along with me.)
After this time frame came so-called "freedom" etc, etc. Upon which, the "blacks" were now to be known as "Negro's" who then rebuked that title due to the "racism" (there's that word again...hmmm) they were under and belittled by and didn't wish to associate with it, and became African-American's. This being to declare the proudness of Our lineage from Africa where civilization began. (More on this later.)
So here I begin my playing field which Our elders have granted the likes of me.
To now return to those I addressed in my 2nd paragraph and to combine it with the little tid bit of AmeriKKKa's His-tory where the words of Our National Language plays a huge role as well (which will be elongated in another blog), we see the presumed reason behind the changed meaning of the word RACE
Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
*Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary
This newfound beleif in 1933, 353 years after the original meaning, in a time and a place of barbaric forced superiority and enslavement we have the seeds of confusion of the hilarity of this confusion expressed nationwide today. Let us look at a few events that happened in the world during 1933 (a more adequate and full view of the timeline can be viewed on the go to favorite Wikipedia)
January 30 - Nazi leader Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by the President Paul von Hindenburg.
February 1 - Adolf Hitler gives his "Proclamation to the German People" in Berlin.
February 6 - The 2oth Amendment of the United States Constitution goes into effect.
February 15 - Attempted assassination of President-elct Franklin D. Roosevelt.
March 4 - Frances Perkins becomes United States Secretary of Labor, and the first female member of the United States Cabinet.
March 20 - Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp, is completed (it opens March 22).
May 3 - Nellie Taylor Ross becomes the first woman to be named director of the United States Mint.
May 8 - Mohandas Gandhi begins a 3-week hunger strike because of the mistreatment of the lower castes.
June 21 - All non-Nazi parties are forbidden in Germany.
July 20 - Vatican state secretary Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) signs an accord with Hitler.
also (though undated) the Federal Government ends Prohibition and outlaws canabis.
I stated these events because Hitler had something deeply in common with the majority of voices in AmeriKKKa which was that other Human Beings who didn't have the same "Nationality" as himself,
Main Entry: na·tion·al·i·ty
Date: 1691
5 a : a people having a common origin,
, and language and capable of forming or actually constituting a nation-state
b : an ethnic group constituting one element of a larger unit (as a
were not considered to be part of their "race". In other words, were not even considered to be HUMAN! And, the reason for Roosevelt being involved in my assorted timeline is that under this great President, 2 females entered into Government positions for the 1st time in His-tory. And if one notices the difference of oppression in India, Ghandi was not killed or burned and the people for whom he stood up for were not massacred. Yes, they were oppressed but not massacred. They were still considered a part of Our race which is (follow me yet?..) HUMAN!
And for all you religious fanatics, one of your glorious Pope's was in league with Hitler. (but thats for another blog and space)
Although the word prejudice already existed, this time frame gave birth to a full nation onslught of it.
Main Entry: 1prej·u·dice
Pronunciation: \ˈpre-jə-dəs\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin
praejudicium previous judgment, damage, from
prae- +
judicium judgment — more at
Date: 13th century
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
*Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary
So the falsities that were spread verbally about both "blacks" and jews were beleived to be true by later generations who succumed to the brainwashing of their elders. Thus spawning a superiority complex that needed to define how beings of their own "race" were not the same. In turn amalgamating the specification between "black" and "white", thus producing the meaning of "race" to be one's skin color and not the difference between a human and a dog, although perhaps in their eyes that was exactly the point!
Ok, ok, ok. Perhaps (for some) I'm going to far with this. Perhaps, it is only the difference of stating in those little boxes and circles what my descendancy is, as one conversation I had before my thesis was published here. So, let's say that my "race" is African-American because I am "a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits". You know, big nose, big lips, dark skin (which is actually reddish-brown which is known as Adamah in sum other language...but that's for later) and so-called "kinky" hair.
Well, 1st off.... my parents are Haitian and the joining of my father's sperm and my mother's egg is why I look like THEM, and not neccessarily like other people that share my HUE (part of man which I also am.....hmmmm). So wouldn't I be Haitian-American before being African-American? I mean, in all honesty the actress Charlize Theron knows much more about Africa than I do because she was born there! I have no knowledge of their customs, culture, livlihood etc. I've never in my lifetime even been there, let alone find myself stupid enough to claim anything of their ways and life (culture). I'd look like Jessica Simpson going over there.... wait! Ok, not that dumb, but you get the point.
Personally, I find that to be disrespectful. And to say that, "oh well, that's where your lineage starts". Ok, fine. SO DOES IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET! So, are we ALL African-Americans in this Nation called The United States of America?
Furthermore, Im simply an AMERICAN! Because I was born here, raised here, and have more knowledge and ways in accordance with these customs, these rituals, this way of life, more so than anything else. I haven't even been to Haiti more than once and I was 3 years of age at the time. And for all of you who are one quarter Cherokee, two thirds German, five eighths Guatemalan, nine sixths French and full blooded American due to being born here, never being anywhere in that long pronounced self clarifying representation of yourselves, and receiving not even a spec of any of those cultural aspects from either of your parents, family or anything but music videos, and being fully ingrowned in the American way of life..... dye your skin green so we can better understand what all of that nonsense means. Think about it, you won't even need to go into a long diabolical scheme of telling us who you are.
The point is people. I came from my Mother and Father. They were born in Haiti which really is Ayiti. ALL HUMAN (HueMan) Beings are from AFRICA! Therefore making my RACE HUMAN! My Nationality is AMERICAN! To delve any further is to say that yes I am part Haitian due to culture and language and other things passed unto me by my family, namely my parents.
Nothing more to it.
P.S. For all the hipocrytes reading this and nodding your heads "yes" and agreeing with me, THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS! Fill in the little bubble with "Other" and write HUMAN. Or continue the legacy of racism and oppression as being commenced right now with the idiotic question posed to the majority of Latino's and Hispanic's "white hispanic or black hispanic?"
For those of you that don't know the true meaning behind this? Read this blog 800 times then do as one Cuban I spoke with at some temp job I worked. "Im not white, black....Im Cubano!" Nuff Respect!!!!!
Peace, Love, Unity & Respect
These were a comment and response from that blog.